Limuzská 3135/12 108 00, Praha 10
For those who cannot imagine starting the day without a hot meal, we offer a hearty breakfast on a fork. And for those who watch their weight, we offer healthy options with fresh fruit and crunchy müsli. Whatever you prefer, start your day with us.
Párky, kečup, hořčice
Míchaná vejce
Denní nabídka
Obložený chléb
30 Kč
Obložená houska nebo rohlík
Řecký jogurt s ovocem, medem a muesli
29 Kč
Fermentované ječné kroupy s jogurtem
Choose from our weekly menu and turn lunch from a calorie orgy into a pleasant meal with colleagues and friends. We prepare all our dishes with fresh local ingredients, which we select carefully, with an emphasis on quality, taste and variety.
If you’re hungry in the afternoon, we have a large selection of salads, panini, sandwiches, takeaway meals and other food and refreshment.
Bagety a sendviče dle denní nabídky, např.:
Bageta s roastbeefem
89 Kč
Tortilla Gyros
79 Kč
Bagel s kuřecím masem
dle denní nabídky
25 Kč / 100g
Zákusky - dle denní nabídky, například:
Naše cookeis
17 Kč
Brownies BEZ LEPKU
Zákusky dle denní nabídky
19 Kč - 59 Kč
We will be happy to prepare refreshments for birthday or company parties, presentations or training sessions. We can prepare the catering so that it does not disturb the event, but tastes great and motivates.
In addition to a varied menu of dishes inspired by cuisines from different parts of the world, the innogy Cafe also offers a cozy atmosphere. This makes our establishment a great choice for a relaxing breakfast or lunch.
Floor Manager
innogy Cafe
Limuzská 3135/12
108 00, Praha 10
Monday - Friday 7:00 - 17:00